Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Definition: Susceptible to attack
: Capable of being wounded or hurt
Last Sunday in youth we talked about being vulnerable. Most of us don’t like being vulnerable because we are risking being hurt. Being vulnerable to Christ is giving your life over to Christ – Yes, but it’s not the same. To me when I am vulnerable to someone it’s a process, it took time to build a relationship, it took time to open myself up. So in other words becoming vulnerable to Christ is the stepping stones to being sold out. And being vulnerable for Christ is so different then being vulnerable isn’t somewhere we want to be. We associate being vulnerable with getting hurt and that’s why we have such a hard time committing to the Lord. We fear we will get hurt and by the worlds standard we will get hurt because they live life saying nothing lasts forever. But God created us to be vulnerable so we can have intimacy with him. Not to fear him hurting us. That’s why we are so dysfunctional because we live our lives lined up with the world – Knowing that nothing lasts forever – no wonder we have such a hard time giving our lives to the Lord. One of the guys in youth class said that being vulnerable is Christ is finding freedom. EXACTLY! By building a relationship with the Lord and becoming vulnerable we are able to have intimacy with the Lord. It is only then that we let Him heal our hurts and pains and as He restores us we have freedom from our hurts and strongholds and as we grow in Him e will have freedom from the devil. Which is something the devil is constantly fighting, so he sues whatever he can to hurt us but as long as we are staying connected we just hand our cares over to the Lord and He will take care of them. So really when we get to that place with the Lord the devil can’t hurt us. We just have to give it to the Lord.

I was thinking even though we can’t be hurt by the devil, people have felt the heart of God. The hurt He goes through when we throw Him under the rug, the hurt He does through knowing we’re hurting. And I wonder is it even worth it to get that close to God and still hurt. Still feel the pain that we have been trying to get rid of? But this times it’s not even our pain, it’s the Lord showing us His heart, showing us what He feels, showing us his hurts, He’s right there holding us in His arms comforting us and He only shows us so we can pray we don’t’ have to live with it. And when you feel this we are able to pray and intercede for the person and then we can help them because we know what they feel and we know the answer they have been searching for. And we can help because you yourself have found freedom from that hurt and pain that they are going through. We have they answer they are longing to know. So we need to share it so then the Lord can restore them and that’s one more person in the Kingdom. And that one person is SO worth it all.

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